Why I love Social Media
I think of social media as an extension of my phone: and our phones are our organisers, our diaries, address books, wallets and so on. My social media channels are my journals, my blog and where I share and keep memories and to connect with people.
My online self lets me show my ideal version of me and lets me see that too. Some people might see this as a negative but it is not the complete me and most users of social media know this. It is the public me and to a certain extent I can choose who sees what. This can be seen as vain, but I have found it to be self-assuring and good for my own mental health.
It is still, to a certain extent, very democratic and networks can hold wonderful communities that connect people who are physically far apart but have something in common, or are going through the same things.
I have seen amazing communities come together to support each other. For example - single parents, people with mental health issues and people with chronic illness. I personally found it really lovely connecting with other new mums on instagram when I had my daughter and I made some really good online friends that grew into real life friends for both me and her. I have also seen different groups coming together for good, to promote a cause or physically help a particular person. It can be a force for good.
It is also wonderful for talented people running small businesses. Traditional advertising is expensive but now you can have a strong online presence even if you don’t have any budget at all. You can be a mum trying to run a business around your children from your back bedroom. You can be a traditional bricks and mortor store but attracting people online purely through your aesthetic. I have found so many shops and makers through instagram and later bought from them or visited their store.
Similarly if you are a freelancer you can create a network and show people your talents, I have found so many skilled people this way. From my perspective it has given so many people new opportunities, because I think it is sometimes seen as frivolous work I think has opened up a whole world of job creation for those who cannot work in a traditional environment for whatever reason. (see above: motherhood, mental health, chronic illness).
I feel like everyone loves to hate social media and yes if you spend too much time there instead of connecting with real life friends that is never going to be a good thing but if we think of it as a different way to connect with people you might never come into contact with ordinarily you can see the huge benefits this has.
I love it. I just need to get my screen time down.