Mental Health at Maya
It is world mental health day on Sunday 10th October, and mental health is something we value highly here at Maya, always taking steps to ensure we are all feeling as good as we can.
It almost feels trite to say now but it is more important than ever to prioritise this, and to speak up when things are not so good and do the work towards feeling better. While acknowledging that is has been difficult over the past few years with everything that has been happening.
This years theme is Mental Health in an unequal world, and it feels like a very priviledged postion to discuss this from but how do we not feel down at the all of the issues we have in the country and the world.
The answer is… it is hard, to stay informed and stay sane when we are so connected to so much news. Our brains are not built to deal with the depth of knowledge we have about so many things that we can do little about.
With that in mind here are some small ways that we have been trying to do just that. Cute dog pics incoming.
Adam — Director
Walking Bailey (our new pup) has been a total game changer.
Getting out first and last thing in the day without my phone or any distractions has really helped me think through what I need to do with the rest of my day or let go of any stresses that have come up.
It also means I am getting time to connect with nature, watch the seasons change and think through what I should be doing in the garden.
Plus the sight of Bailey bounding along as fast as his legs will carry him never fails to put a smile on my face.
Andrew — Web Developer
Maya’s working from home policy has meant a lot deal to me, especially over the summer. Having the ability to say “I need a quick break, I’ll be back in a bit.” and to go outside for a short walk to calm down if ever I’m feeling stressed, frustrated or stuck has been wonderful, especially when my Asperger’s is telling me I really need to stop people-ing for a bit.
The benefits don’t end there either. It takes trust and respect for people to accept that I need a break without questioning it, and to understand that I’ll make up the time at the end of my day without need to ask me to. That lets me feel great, and that I’m part of a team that respects me and views me as an equal, even when some days I’m really not.
Chris — Creative Director
- Haven’t watched the news since 2019
- Daily morning walks — working from home and having no commute this is a great way to have some morning headspace.
- Stepping away from the desk for a break at least twice a day — working from home its easier to be consumed and not distracted and forgot how long you’ve been sat at your desk.
- Flexible working hours — sometimes you know you’re going to have a longer day, so remembering to balance this with a shorter day has been great.
• Our daily stand ups — I would feel weird working somewhere no body knows what anyones up to and what they’re working on. It makes things far less stressful knowing stuff and having the space to ask about things.
Georgia — Digital Marketing Manager
For me, going to the gym 5 times a week (as well as their theme nights — see pic!) and taking a couple of drops of CBD oil every morning is the best way to keep stress and anxiety in check. It really helps having a laugh every day at work with my colleagues too!
Sally — Social Media Manager
Mine has been to limit my access to news, by design — removing it from any social news feeds and apps on my phone. I do read a paper and listen to the radio and sometimes I will check a website… when I want to see whats happening.
It is difficult as I am on socials a lot and people share things constantly so I also ensure I am careful about curating my feeds and who I follow… work accounts included! It all zaps energy and makes me feel powerless so I need to be careful.
Recently I have been really feeling it so my big one is to ensure I have a really good book on the go — its the only thing that keeps me off social media in the evening.
James — Web Developer
Working from home means I have that bit of extra time in the day to be with my children and not stress so much about the school run!
I’m also able to take a break when my mind or body needs it and step out into the garden or take a walk around the park for some headspace which is a real privilege.