How to use hashtags on Instagram in 2022

Sally Telford
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

Rumour has it that we should all ditch hashtags on Instagram and concentrate only on captions.
As usual, I would advise you to ignore rumours, as they are rarely ever have truth to them. Though it might be time to overhaul your strategy with hashtags if you’re still mindlessly using the same ones…

Hashtags are there to get you seen — that’s their purpose. So here are our #tips on how to best use them in 2022…

Captions have been and always will be very important to visibility on Instagram. Use those important words to do what you need to do: sell that product, or spread the word about your service. Stick to talking about relevant, engaging topics in order to be found by the right people. Instagram have said they use captions to show your posts to people they think might be interested. So think about your keywords — those words and phrases that are integral to your business and the interests of your customers.

Quality over quantity
You should still be using hashtags, but in a more refined way. All the traditionalist blogs and Instagram coaches would have you using up to 30 — but if they’re not relevant keywords, then you shouldn’t be. I would also advise all credible businesses to stay well away from the spam hashtags — #followforfollow and the like. They’re not going to help you grow or sell and they make you look like you don’t know what you are doing. You can research trends and stay on top of them if it’s relevant by all means, but don’t jump on bandwagons that are not meant for you.

Your name matters
It’s never too late to change your brand name on Instagram. The platform uses it to show your account to people it thinks might be interested. This goes for your profile handle and the name you give underneath. Make sure the name makes sense for your business and that it aligns with all your other social media handles.

Fix that bio. Please.
On an almost daily basis I come across businesses that don’t have a proper bio. If you are a location-based business like a gym or a restaurant, put your location in your bio! It’s madness that people miss this… Here’s where to focus on keywords. Instagram uses your bio text to figure out who might be interested in you so it really matters. Spend some time making sure it says what you do.

Don’t watch the algorithm
This is another thing that blogs and coaches will tell you they have the inside track on. They don’t. Nobody really knows how the algorithm works — what we do know is that its whole reason for being is to keep people on the app by showing them posts they think they’ll like. That is it. Check the Instagram blog for updates and don’t get caught up with rumours on random accounts.

Hashtags are still go…
To sum it up, figure out who it is you want to find you — is it gym bunnies in Bangkok or vegans in Bristol? Then spend time on your posts: work out the hashtags that fit that particular post, watch the results and adjust when you need to.

Or of course, you can talk to us! Email to find out more about how we work.



Sally Telford

Yoga Teacher and Owner at Day job - Marketing and PR in charity sector